In accordance with its constitution, the N.W.T.F.’s primary aims and objectives are:
- To promote the best, most humane and efficient practices in relation to the use of working terriers for pest control purposes.
- To improve public awareness of the manner in which properly conducted terrier work is carried out.
- To encourage new participants to join a recognised working terrier club and to learn from more experienced members.
- To assist, advise and educate the newcomer or less experienced person.
- To unify the working terrier clubs under one umbrella organisation and provide a single reference point and centre of excellence on matters relating to terrier work.
- To counter the activities of those who by their actions, or intent, would bring terrier work into disrepute.
- To protect both the working terrier and its owner from all forms of harmful legislation.
The National Working Terrier Federation (N.W.T.F.) is the representative body for terrier work in England, Scotland and Wales. It was formed in 1984, at a time when terrier work was the subject of constant uninformed attacks by the media and on the very verge of being legislated out of existence.
In April of that year, at a meeting called by the then British Field Sports Society, all of the major working terrier clubs in England, Scotland and Wales met at the Worcester Hunt Kennels, and agreed to join together to form a single umbrella organisation which would represent terrier work and act in its defence. Their agreed objectives were to defend the working terrier and responsibly conducted terrier work from all forms of harmful legislation, and to promote and advance the most humane and efficient practices associated with terrier work as a legitimate form of pest control.
Today, almost four decades later, terrier work is not only still with us, but it is also in a much stronger position than any other form of hunting with dogs. In Scotland it was terrier work which came out of the Protection of Wild Mammals (Scotland) Act 2002 with less restrictions than its own voluntary rules and codes of conduct.
In England and Wales, terrier work was similarly fortunate, being the only form of hunting with dogs the Hunting Act (2004) does not seek to ban. And despite an apparent unwillingness to consult with a ‘hunting type’ organisation, even the then Labour Government’s Code of Conduct for Terrier Work bears much similarity to that of the N.W.T.F. which was published over a decade earlier.
It was also the N.W.T.F. who by their efforts single handedly secured the working terrier exemption from the recent tail docking ban in England and Wales.
These things don’t happen just by chance. They are the end result of many years hard work by the working terrier clubs, and the efforts of a group of dedicated terriermen and women who act on their behalf.
Those involved receive nothing for their services, other than the satisfaction of knowing that by their efforts they are helping to safeguard for future generations to enjoy, the true working terrier from which they themselves have derived a lifetime of pleasures and friendships.
Through its Codes of Conduct and Accredited Membership Scheme, the N.W.T.F. has singly promoted the best standards of welfare and accountability in terrier work both nationally and internationally, and as such is recognised as the lead organisation for the defence of terrier work in the U.K. It is widely accepted that were it not for the existence of the N.W.T.F. and its lobbying activities over many years, terrier work would long since have ceased to exist in the U.K.
Since its formation the N.W.T.F. has provided expert witness evidence in numerous terrier related court cases and has actively participated in every Government Inquiry into hunting with dogs, and on any other matters affecting terrier work, or the working terrier. It has provided written and oral evidence at Westminster and the devolved Parliaments in Scotland and Wales.
The N.W.T.F. works closely with the Countryside Alliance, other field sports organisations and wildlife management bodies in order to protect the interests of the working terrier and its owner.

N.W.T.F. membership is open to bona fide working terrier clubs or similar type organisations in England, Scotland and Wales who must sign up to and agree to abide by the N.W.T.F Code of Conduct for Terrier work. N.W.T.F. members are primarily engaged in the breeding and working of terriers for pest control and other related field sports activities. It is an indication of their and previous generations skill, dedication and concerns regarding the future wellbeing of the breed, that the modern-day working terrier displays none of the genetic and hereditary problems so commonplace in other breeds.
If you’re a working terrier enthusiast who is not a member of a working terrier club, then we would urge you to seek out your local N.W.T.F. Member Club with a view to joining. If you don’t have a local club, then maybe you’d like to form one, or alternatively there are larger national clubs such as the Jack Russell Terrier Club of Great Britain, the Fell and Moorland Working Terrier Club and the Scottish Working Dog Association you could join.
If you’re a member or an official of a working terrier club which is not allied to the Federation, then we would urge you to contact us to discuss how you can assist in the fight to defend terrier work. And last but not least, if you have a website then please help us to promote responsible terrierwork by including a link back to this site. And if you share our objectives please feel free to include the wording “We support the N.W.T.F. and its objectives”. Thank you for visiting our site and for your support.

Cumbria Working Terrier Club ~ Durham and Northumberland Working Terrier Club ~ Fell and Moorland Working Terrier Club ~ Fife and Kinross Working Terrier Club ~ Jack Russell Terrier Club of Great Britain ~ Jack Russell Terrier Club of Sweden ~ Kelvin Valley Lurcher and Terrier Club ~ Masters of Mink Hounds Association ~ Merseyside Working Terrier and Lurcher Club ~ North Wales Terrier and Lurcher Club ~ Parson Russell Terrier Club ~ Plummer Terrier Association ~ Plummer Terrier Club ~ Rother Valley Working Terrier Club ~ Sporting Lucas Terrier Association ~ Scottish Hill Packs Association ~ Scottish Terrier Racing Team ~ Scottish Working Dog Association ~ Scottish Working Terrier Club ~ West Coast Terrier Lurcher and Whippet Club ~ West Midlands Rat Pack ~ West Wales Working Terrier and Lurcher Club ~ Working Sealyham Terrier Club of Great Britain.